About the Concert Club

The Amersham Concert Club has been organising concerts in and around Amersham by outstanding professional musicians for over 50 years. Our concerts are an opportunity to hear current and future stars in an informal atmosphere. Often the musicians talk about the music they are going to play and there can be opportunities to meet and chat with them. Everyone is very welcome, including children, and you do not have to join the Club to come to a concert. Concerts usually start at 7.30 pm and end around 9.30 pm.

In September 2019 we held our first concert at our new venue, the Amersham Free Church in Woodside Rd. This has been a very popular move and our concerts in September, October, November and February were all very well attended.
 We worked through the various covid challenges and gave our 2021 - 22 and 2022 - 23 seasons successfully. Details of those concerts can be found HERE.

Information on next season's concerts  can be found iSeason 2024-25 Overview and we  look forward to welcoming concertgoers back to some great live music. 

The Club is a registered charity, number 1048911, and is run entirely by volunteers. We are funded by ticket sales, membership fees and donations.

If you would like to join the Concert Club to help support live music in Amersham you can do so HERE. We would love to involve more people in the runnng of the Club and in helping on concert days. There is more information in the members area of the website or you can speak to or email any member of the committee.

If you would just like to sign up for our mailing list, you can use our MAIL FORM